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(ya need to be in edit mode/tienes que estar en modo edit: https://unidarks.hotglue.me/?comentarios/edit)
theo: I think I personally find it uncomfortable to add commentary right up next to the original work -- whether that discomfort stems from solid or lame ground I'm not sure, but it exists! I guess I still believe that there is something distinctly un-art about commentary on art, though again, maybe i'm ashamed of that belief.... hmmm... what do you think about all that?
megan: I think I've been having this conversation quite a lot recently somehow. Some of it is linked to application frustration - trying to write commentary on yr own work stopping you from actually working, etc - but I wonder if part of that is laziness and part of it possibly a kind of art mysticism? like if you are doing something that tries to distance itself a bit from sense-making in a semantic or rational way (like your writing, I think?) there is a danger that maybe a commentary flattens or explains things that you didn't want explained. on the other hand there is a kind of commentary that can go the other way and be very jargony and kind of institutional, almost obscuring what's going on. But when you are actually having a conversation with someone about a piece or about a process it doesn't use this kind language, and it can go in so many directions beyond 'what does it mean?' or like 'how do you get your ideas?' haha